Colin Trevorrow shares first beautiful set picture from Jurassic World 2!
Welcome to Jurassic World 2. Colin Trevorrow just took to twitter to share this beautiful set photo from the upcoming installment in the Jurassic Park saga. Captioned only with “Walking in giant footsteps. #Jw2”, we’re left to speculate about what the image shows.
The image, which I originally thought was concept art or a key frame, was confirmed to be an actual still from the film by Frank Marshall. It showcases a young girl (likely “Lucy“!), looking at a hall of dinosaurs in what appears to be a very ornate mansion. The current favorite theory is perhaps this is John Hammond’s mansion, though reports of a mansion set being built for filming suggest this may actually be on one of the islands. If so, it doesn’t seem nearly aged enough to have been left abandoned for 25+ years, so it’s unlikely to be John Hammond’s (unless the film will utilize flashbacks?)
On back left of the photo is a small therapod dinosaur, which may possibly be a Velociraptor (though it’s hard to tell) – middle left appears to be an Edmontosaurus, and front left appears to be a Juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex/Nanotyrannus (see: Jane). Back right is a Protoceratops, followed by a Kosmoceratops, and finally closest to the frame is likely an Euoplocephalus or perhaps Edmontonia. The large skull center frame is a bit of a curiosity, but we currently speculate it’s a Agujaceratops.
This image is simply gorgeous – and it absolutely screams director J.A. Bayona’s and cinematographer Oscar Faura’s style. I can’t get over how beautiful the set, framing, composition, and lighting is. Whatever the image showcases, one thing is for sure: we’re in for a visual treat in Jurassic World 2.
As always, stay tuned and sound off in the comments below (especially if you think we made a mistake identifying some of the dinosaurs!).