Jurassic World 2 holding open casting call – first character details!

Jurassic World 2 holding open casting call – first character details!

Chris Pugh
Chris Pugh
19th October 2016 05:28PM

The news for Jurassic World 2 continues to flow out showing no signs of slowing, today’s being something fairly momentous: an open casting call. Yes, casting for Jurassic World 2 has finally begun. One of the biggest questions we’ve had is what new actors will star in the movie alongside Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, and we are now one step closer to an answer.


Jurassic World 2 (under the working title of Ancient Futures) is conducting a open casting search in both the UK and US for the role of ‘LUCY’. Here’s the casting breakdown:

She is a young girl around 9 years of age. The girl playing “Lucy” must be at least 9 years of age by February 2017, but cannot be over 10 years old.  She must be a sensitive and clever actress capable of handling long and complex scenes.  Lucy must be able to handle a range of emotions from tender moments with her father, to anxiety, bravery, and shock.

This role represents a huge and exciting opportunity for a young actress to play a significant role in a major Hollywood blockbuster.

If you know a young actress who would be fit for this opportunity (ANCIENT FUTURES – Role of LUCY), you can sign up at ‘ActorsAccess.com‘ or ‘CastitTalent.com‘and submit for audition! Please be aware that there may be different local casting websites or opportunities that are more appropriate options, depending on where you live. Also note: reports suggest that young actresses up to the age of 12 repped by agents may be allowed to audition. Consult your casting agencies for more information, and good luck!

The casting call states the filming will primarily take place in the UK from February 2017 to June 2017, with a shoot lasting roughly 5 months! As the casting call does not mention Hawaii, we are unsure if her scenes will take her to the islands. It will be interesting to see if an unknown lands the role, or if it lands in the hands of a more established actress (Millie Bobby Brown, AKA Eleven from ‘Stranger Things’, anyone?)

Stay tuned, as more casting news is sure to pop up soon! Who do you think ‘Lucy’ is, and what role may she play in the upcoming film? Be sure to sound off in the comments below – and let us know if anyone you know will be submitting an audition!

Thanks to Nublar7 on Twitter for the heads up!

Source: Cast it Talent, Actors Access

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