New official picture teases Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom dinosaur – could it be the recently trademarked “Indoraptor”?

Chris Pugh
9th July 2017 10:07PM

Yesterday, Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom wrapped principal photography, finishing filming in Hawaii. While the number of days filmed has yet to be officially confirmed, we believe it to be 91 (versus the 78 spent on Jurassic World). To commemorate this exciting milestone that the fifth Jurassic Park film just crossed, writer and producer Colin Trevorrow tweeted a mysterious new image:

Pictured is director JA Bayona between the open jaws of a ferocious looking dino, seemingly inside of a cage. The first thing I did upon seeing that image was to download it, and brighten it, revealing more visual information than what was immediately discernible. I was hoping to be able to tell if it was an animatronic or something else, but there just isn’t enough shown to say either way.

What can be seen is the mystery dinosaur has Crocodilian like teeth, growing straight out of the skin — very much like the I.rex. Further, the skin texture seems to be similar to that of the hybrid seen in Jurassic World, though its color appears to be a deep black color, as opposed to the white of the Indominus Rex. Further, while at first glance the gaping maw appears to be that of a large dinosaur, it’s simply a matter of perspective – realistically, it’s probably slightly larger than a Jurassic Park Velociraptor.

So, could this be a new hybrid?

Signs point to yes! It’s always possible that we’re simply looking at a creepy museum statue, like the one image Frank Marshall tweeted, but the Indominus Rex similarities seem too many to be a coincidence. While I’m not particularly thrilled with another new hybrid, I do think there is a lot of potential with the concept of a smaller, more Raptor like Indominus (though I would have preferred to just see a new Velociraptor variation with camouflage abilities).

Indominus Rex maquette – Jurassic World

Time will tell if the image shared by Colin Trevorrow is a new hybrid – but given the story in previous film, it’s a fair bet Fallen Kingdom will have hybrids in some degree, and recent evidence all but confirms it will be called the “Indoraptor”.

A few days ago, producer Frank Marshall made a tweet to commemorate three years since filming the Indominus escape in Hawaii – however, on his first attempt, he called it the “Indoraptor”, which was later deleted. This certainly caught our and other fans attention – the name seems perfectly applicable to what Hoskins alluded to at the end of Jurassic World.

“Imagine. That one, a fraction of the size – deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon unlike anything we’ve ever seen.” – Hoskins

Some waved off the tweet as a genuine typo, and while I considered the option, it admittedly that was not the first time I heard that name. When we were given our Mattel scoop, we were told one of the toys was referred to as the Indoraptor, though we have heard no descriptive details, nor were told if it was a hybrid or something else. We choose to sit on that info, as it was too speculative and leaky, especially considering Universal has made no acknowledgement of the name publicly – however, that just changed.

As pointed out by Jurassiraptor on Twitter, Amblin Entertainment just took out four trademarks on “Indoraptor” for toys, books, clothes, and video content. There is no doubt this name is to be used for the Jurassic World franchise, and odds are it’s a hybrid seen in Fallen Kingdom, though there is always a chance it’s simply a merchandise thing like ‘Dino Hybrid’. However, given Frank Marshall’s tweet, that seems incredibly unlikely.

We may have to wait until Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom releases in theaters to learn more about what the Indoraptor is, or what it looks like, but the concept does sound quite cool – and scary. Even that small tease tweeted by Colin Trevorrow, should it be the Indoraptor, looks like the stuff of nightmares. I’m very curious to see what the final design will look like, and if it will have traits like the camouflage of the Indominus Rex. Until then, I’m sure there will be plenty of speculative fan art, like that below!

Ultimately, we’re left with more questions than answers at this point, and that’s the way I like it.

Let us know what you want to see from the Indoraptor, and if you think that’s what is pictured in Colin Trevorrows tweet, and if you make any speculative art, be sure to share it with us! As always, stay tuned, as more news is surely around the corner.

Source: Twitter, Trademarkia

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