‘Jurassic World 3’ Will Put the Focus Back on Real Dinosaurs Without Hybrid Creatures!

‘Jurassic World 3’ Will Put the Focus Back on Real Dinosaurs Without Hybrid Creatures!

Chris Pugh
Chris Pugh
5th May 2018 06:16PM

While ‘Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom‘ doesn’t release until a few more weeks from now, news about the third film of the trilogy keeps roaring in.

In a recent issue of Total Film magazine cast and crew gave numerous interviews revealing much about the latest Jurassic Park sequel releasing this June. While speaking to Colin Trevorrow about the Indoraptor, a new hybrid creature that is custom designed to terrify audiences, Total Film asked about the status of hybrids in Jurassic World 3.

Colin did not shy away from sharing the answer many have wanted to hear:

[Colin Trevorrow promised] that the Indo will mark the last of the series’ hybrid beasts. “I’m looking forward to, in the third film, getting a little back into the Paleontological, wild animal, true dinosaur nature of all of it.”

This news comes as welcome surprise, and I couldn’t be happier to hear it. While the Indominus Rex proved to be an entertaining creature with a great abelisaurid inspired design, and the Indoraptor looks intriguingly frightening, returning the focus to the real animals of the fossil record brings my interest back to a level it hasn’t been in ages. There was always something magical about knowing that the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park represented real, majestic animals of the past, albeit with some artistic liberty, and that is something the World films have strayed further away from.

The Jurassic franchise is of course fictional, yet it is often a valuable tool for spreading paleontological information, and can be a fun learning and development aide in the scientific fields. This cross of potential ‘learning’ and entertainment is one of the Jurassic franchises many unique and valuable staples, as it offers a genuine abundance of fact alongside fiction. To better embrace this, keeping the animals and their behaviors provided as accurate as possible while still providing a fun cinematic journey will lead further momentum and ownership of this unique niche.

Sauropods fighting by Paleoartist Mark Witton

Paleontologists will be the first to remind you that the actual fossil record is teeming with untapped cinematic potential, and filmmakers just need to use their hammer and chisel to dig a little deeper to find the real world prehistoric animals needed to tell the stories they want. Something I have wanted to see join the Jurassic films would be a true quadrupedal carnivore (Postosuchus or Dimetrodon?) – it’s true that would mean a prehistoric reptile and not a dinosaur, yet that’s nothing new as we already have Pteranodons and the Mosasaurus, neither of which are dinosaurs.

Circling back to the specific topic of Jurassic sequels, growing up one of the elements I looked most forward to in upcoming films was the mystery of ‘what new dinosaurs will they add this time?’. I’d often find myself deeply invested in dinosaur related media, looking for the perfect hypothetical prehistoric animal to chase, terrify, or awe the heroes on their upcoming journey. When Jurassic Park 3 introduced the Spinosaurus, it sparked a widespread new interest in that dinosaur, and of course, the debate of whether the real world animal really could kill a Tyrannosaurus Rex (they couldn’t).

This was made extra magical as a child, when my imagination was overwhelmed with the excited daydreams of what life was like when dinosaurs ruled the earth, fueled further by those animals returning from extinction so realistically in the Jurassic films.

This promised return to form for Jurassic World 3 isn’t alone, as recently Colin Trevorrow stated the film would return to Jurassic Park’s techno-thriller roots:

“I would say Jurassic World was an action adventure, Fallen Kingdom is kind of a horror suspense film, and Jurassic World 3 will be a science thriller in the same way that Jurassic Park was.”

One thing is for certain: everything about the final chapter of the Jurassic World trilogy is sounding great on paper. Jurassic World 3 is set to be released on June 11, 2021. In addition to directing the film, Colin Trevorrow will write the script with Emily Carmichael based off a story by Trevorrow and Derek Connolly.

John Hammond’s dream realized in its purest form

Are you excited about this promised return to form, with a focus on real world dinosaurs, and what dinosaurs do you hope to see JW3? Sound off in the comments below, and as always, stay tuned for the latest news!

Source: Total Film Magazine – on sale now!

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