Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’s heartbreaking scene inspired by Spielberg’s Classic E.T.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’s heartbreaking scene inspired by Spielberg’s Classic E.T.

Josh Evans
Josh Evans
12th August 2018 09:57PM

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom director J.A. Bayona took to Twitter this week and revealed that the heartbreaking shot of the Brachiosaurus being engulfed by flames was inspired by Steven Spielberg’s E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

As Arcadia was pulling away from the dock, the characters of the film are horrified as they see a Brachiosaurus walking on the East Dock to the edge trying to escape the lava and flames of the Mt. Sibo eruption. It has also been revealed in interviews with Bayona that this is the same exact Brachiosaurus from Jurassic Park that is first shown on screen, which makes it even more heartbreaking to see her die in this way. But it is also very touching that she is the first dinosaur we ever see in full on Isla Nublar and is also the very last one we see.

For this shot Bayona referenced the glowing red heart of E.T. and is yet another hidden easter egg in Fallen Kingdom.

Do you like that this scene was inspired by E.T.’s glowing red heart from the 1982 classic film? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and on our forums.

Source: J.A. Bayona’s Twitter

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